SSC Board Exam 2025 English Question Paper With Answer PDF

SSC Board Exam 2025 English Question Paper With Answer PDF

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SSC Board Exam 2025 English Question Paper With Answer PDF

SSC Board Exam 2025 English Question Paper With Answer PDF

Class 10th Board Exam 2025 ENGLISH Third Language Question Paper With Answer PDF

Std 10th English State Board Exam Feb / Mar 2025 Question Paper PDF With Answer PDF

Std 10th English Answer Key

Class 10th English Board Exam 2025 Paper Solution


Seat No. 2025 III 01 1100 -N 816-
Time: 3 Hours (Pages 23) Max. Marks: 80


    SECTION I: Language Study - 10 marks

Q.1.(A) Do as directed (Attempt any four): (8 marks)
(1) Complete the following words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) br_ve
(ii) t_ach
(iii) box_r
(iv) fa_th

(i) brave
(ii) teach
(iii) boxer
(iv) faith

(2) Put the following words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) optimistic, bonfire, rumour, attractive

(ii) potter, patter, pocket, people
Answer – patter, people, potter,

(3) Punctuate the following sentences : (2)
(i) the bird replied i am going to extinguish the fire.
Answer -The bird replied, I am going to extinguish the fire.

(ii) hows that said nathu
Answer – How’s that?said Nathu.

(4) Make four words (minimum of three letters each) using the letters in the word : (2)
Answer -Rain Water Inter

(5) Write the related words as shown in the example: (2)
Garden → Beautiful → → →
Answer -Garden → Beautiful → Big → Huge → Small →

(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Nouns’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word : (2)
tiger → → → →
Answer -tiger → Rain → Net → Tree → Eagle

(B) Do as directed: (2 marks)
(1) Attempt any one: (1)

(α) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase:
‘instead of’
Answer -I bought Laptop instead of mobile


(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully:
My uncle found a baby.
Answer – My uncle found a baby who was crying.

(2) Attempt any one: (1)
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
(i) possible
(ii) appoint.

Answer –

(i) Impossible
(ii) appoinment


(6) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of t following worde
(i) possible
(ii) appoint.

Answer –

(i) It is possible to me by a mobile.
(ii) I appointed as teacher in school.

SECTION II: Textual Passages = 20 marke

Q. 2.(A) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks)

Al. Write whether the following sentences are ‘True’ or ‘False (2)
(i) Itamlal had four sons and three daughter
(ii) The meaning of Bholi is simpleton.
(iii) Bholi had an attack of smallpox
(iv) Bholi had fallen off the cat on her head
Answer –

(i) Itamlal had four sons and three daughters – False
(ii) The meaning of Bholi is simpleton. – True
(iii) Bholi had an attack of smallpox – True
(iv) Bholi had fallen off the cat on her head – True

Her name was Sulekha but since her childhood everyone had been calling her Bholi the simpleton.
She was the fourth daughter of Numberdar Itamlal. When she was ton months old, she had fallen off the cot on her hond and perhaps it had damaged wome part of her brain. That was why she remained a backward child and came to be known as Bholl, the simpleton,
At birth the child was very fair and protty. But when she was two years old, she had an attack of smallpox. Only the eyes were saved. But the entire

body was permanently disfigured by deep black pockmarks. Little Sulekha could not speak till she was five and when at last she learnt to speak, she stammered. The other children often made fun of her and mimicked her. As a result, she talked very little.
Ramlal had seven children, three sons and four daughters and the youngest of them was Bholi. It was a prosperous farmer’s household and there was plenty to eat and drink. All the children except Bholi were healthy and strong.

A2. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order of occurrence : (2)
(i) Bholi had an attack of smallpox.
(ii) Some part of Bholi’s brain was damaged.
(iii) Bholi’s entire body was permanently disfigured by deep black pockmarks.
(iv) Bholi had fallen off the cot on her head.
Answer –

(i) Bholi had fallen off the cot on her head. (ii) Some part of Bholi’s brain was damaged. (iii) Bholi had an attack of smallpox. (iv) Bholi’s entire body was permanently disfigured by deep black pockmarks.

A3. Write any four describing words from the passage. (2)
A4. Do as directed : (2)
(i) At birth the child was fair and pretty.
(Rewrite the sentence using “not only but also”).
Answer –

(ii) Little Sulekha could not speak till she was five.
(Rewrite the sentence using “unable to”)
Answer -(i) At birth the child was not only fair but also pretty. (ii) Little Sulekha was unable to speak till she was five.

A5. Personal Response: (2)
Smallpox is a disease. Write any other names of four diseases. Write two symptoms of any one of it.
Answer – cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia/Alzheimer’s

(B) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks)
B1. Complete the sentences: (2)
(i) The book, ‘Swami and Friends’ is a good read for
Answer – children
(ii) The use of simple and short sentences adds
Answer – simplicity of the book.
(iii) It is also a known fact that mischievous kids are
Answer – most sensitive and loving
(iv) R.K. Narayan is a literary
Answer – genius

Swami and Friends is written in such simple English it is hard to imagine that it is a work of such a literary genius like R. K. Narayan. The English used in the book is both plain and simple, without any troubling words for the kids. Also the use of simple and short sentences adds to the simplicity of the book.
It is mentioned in the description that the book is about a mischievous ten year old Indian boy, and some parents may be concerned about the influence this will have on their already mischievous children. But the book is as such, that it encompasses the mischief of the kids in a view of the kid which is harmless and pure in his perspective. Also amidst all the mischief and naughtiness, we actually find that Swami is a loving and a tender kid who’s actually very sensitive. It is also a known fact that mischievous kids are the most sensitive and loving people of all. And R.K. Narayan does a great job conveying that to all of us.
So in conclusion it can be said that this book is a good read for children of all ages, who may just enjoy a good read or who may want to improve their English skills.

B2. Complete the following web: (2)
Qualities of Swami →loving → curious → adventurous → often rebellious
Answer –

B3. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’: (2)
‘A’ ‘B’
(i) Mischievous (a) Children
(ii) Encompasses (b) Naughty
(iii) Concerned (c) Circles around
(iv) Kids (d) Worried
Answer –

(i) Mischievous (b) Naughty
(ii) Encompasses (c) Circles around
(iii) Concerned (d) Worried
(iv) Kids (a) Children

B4. Do as directed: (2)
(i) It is hard to imagine.
(Make it negative without changing the meaning)
Answer – It is not easy to imagine.

(ii) R.K. Narayan does a great job conveying that to all of us.
(Choose the correct question tag)
(a) don’t he?
(b) doesn’t he?
(c) didn’t he?
(d) does he?
Answer -(b) doesn’t he?

B5. Personal Response: (2)
Do you like reading books? Why?
Answer –

SECTION III: Poetry-10 marks

Q.3.(A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities: (5 marks)
A1. Choose the correct alternatives: (2)
(i) The poet’s father goes back early in the
Answer -morning/

(ii) The poet asks for seeds of
Answer -moonlight

(iii) The whole village goes to work.
Answer -daily

(iv) The poet wants to sow seeds on the sides of the
Answer -path

O moon, give me moonlight, basketful or two baskets full, with seeds of moonlight. From the city to my village, on the sides of the path I want to sow many, small, small moons of light.
The whole village goes to the city daily to work.

It becomes dark on its way back as my village is quite far.
The route is tough and full of snakes and scorpions.
Neither bus nor cart plies.
When my father returns home I am asleep.
And he goes back early in the morning while I am sleeping.

A2. Describe the route in the poem from the city to village. (2)

Answer – The route is tough and full of snakes and scorpions.

A3. Write your own rhyming words for the following: (1)
(i) light – …………
(ii) plies – ………….

Answer –

(i)might night right

(ii) flies

(B) Appreciation of the poem: (5 marks)
Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points given below :

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
-Robert Frost

Title ½
Name of the poet ½
Rhyme scheme 1
Figure of speech (any one) 1
Theme/Central idea (in 2 to 3 lines). 2

Answer –

    SECTION IV: Non-Textual Passage - 15 marks 

Q. 4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks)
A1. Fill in the blanks: (2)
(i) Power and force are typical of the ……………….
(ii) Bharata Natyam was danced as a……………. by devadasis. performance
(iii) Tandava is associated with……………
(iv) ………………is the oldest and most popular dance-form of India.

What is a classical dance? A dance which is created or choreographed and performed according to the tenets of the Natya Shastra is called a classical dance. The two broad aspects of classical dancing are the tandava and the lasya. Power and force are typical of the tandava; grace and delicacy, of rasya.
Tandava is associated with Shiva, and lasya with Parvati. Dance which is pure in movement is called nritta, and dance which is interpretative in nature is called nritya.
A dancer in the classical tradition has to have years of training before he or she can begin to perform on the stage.
What are the main schools of classical dancing?
Bharata Natyam, Kathakali, Manipuri, Kathak.Bharata Natyam is the oldest and most popular dance-form of India. Earlier, it was known by various names. Some called it Bharatam, some Natyam some Desi Attam and some Sadir.
The districts of Tanjore and Kanchipuram of Tamil Nadu were the focal points in the development of Bharata Natyam. It was danced as a soloper formance by devadasis (temple dancers) on all auspicious occasions, Later, kings and rich people lent their patronage to it and it started shodding its purely sacred character.

Answer – (i) tandava (ii) solo (iii) Shiva lasvy with Parvati (iV)Bharata Natyam

Q. 4. (A) A2. Complete the web diagram: (2)Main schools of classical dance-forms are:

A 2 Answer –

Manipuri Bharata Natyam kathakali Kathak

A3. Find antonyms of the following words from the passage: (2)
(i) Unknown x
(ii) Group x
(iii) Poor x
(iv) Narrow x

Answer –(i) Unknown x known (ii) Group x solo (iii) Poor x Rich (iv) Narrow x broad

A4. Do as directed : (2)
(i) Bharata Natyam is the most popular dance-form of India.
(Change into positive degree)

Answer – No other dance form of India is as popular as bharata Nayatam

(ii) Later, kings and rich people lent their patronage to it.
(Rewrite using “as well as”)

Answer – Later kings as well as rich people lent their patronage to it.

A5. Personal Response: (2)
Write any four benefits of dancing.

Answer – enjoy earn exercise free life

(B) Summary Writing: (5 marks)

(B) Dialogue writing/Drafting a speech:
B1 or B2. Do any one of the following: (5 marks)
B1. Dialogue writing:
(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences: (1)
(i) How do you plan your study?
(ii) Yes; of course.
(iii) I wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning and study.
(iv) Do you study everyday ?
(b) Complete the dialogue: (1)

Answer –

(iii) How do you plan your study?
(ii) Yes; of course.
(iv) I wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning and study.
(i) Do you study everyday ?

Aniket : Do you like pet animals ?
Mahesh :
: Why do you like pet animals ?
Mahesh :

Answer –

Aniket : Do you like pet animals ?
Mahesh : Yes
: Why do you like pet animals ?
Mahesh : They are very useful

(c) Write a dialogue between Ram and Shyam on the given theme.

Answer –

Q 6 A2) Verbal Nonverbal
Points Ramesh Radha
Favourite subject
Goal in life

Answer – 16 years 13 years 10th class 7th class Maths Science Watching movies Read Books Swimming Fast food Home made food Engineer Doctor

(B) Expand the theme :
B1 or B2. Do any one of the following:
(5 marks)
B1. News Report

    SECTION VI: Skill Development - 5 marks 

Q. 7. Translation: (5 marks)
(a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction (any four): (2)
(1) General
(2) Arrival
(3) Beggar
(4) Honour
(5) Paradise
(6) Movement.

Answer –

(1) General – सामान्य
(2) Arrival – आगमन
(3) Beggar – भिकारी
(4) Honour – सन्मान
(5) Paradise – स्वर्ग
(6) Movement. – हालचाल

(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction (any two): (2)

(1) Plant more trees in the garden.
(2) Everyone should take care of trees.
(3) Don’t pluck the flowers.
(4) Save trees, save life.
(c) Translate the following idioms/proverbs into your medium of
instruction (any one): (1)
(1) Action speaks louder than words.
(2) Might is right.

Answer –

(1) Plant more trees in the garden. बागेत भरपूर झाडे लावा
(2) Everyone should take care of trees. – प्रत्येकाने झाडाची काळजी घ्या
(3) Don’t pluck the flowers. फुले तोडू नका
(4) Save trees, save life. झाडे जगवा जीवन वाचवा

(c) Translate the following idioms/proverbs into your medium of
instruction (any one): (1)
(1) Action speaks louder than words. – शब्दा पेक्षा कृती महान असते
(2) Might is right. बळी टो कां पिळी

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