APAAR ID Creation for all Classes Primary Secondary And Senior Secondary

APAAR ID Creation for all Classes Primary Secondary And Senior Secondary

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APAAR ID Creation for all Classes Primary Secondary And Senior Secondary

APAAR ID Creation for all Classes Primary Secondary And Senior Secondary

Subject: APAAR ID Creation for all classes Primary, Secondary, and Senior Secondary-reg.

Kindly refer to Secretary, DoSEL’s D.O. letter No. 1-27/2023-DIGED-Part(1) dated 2nd September 2024 regarding the implementation of APAAR ID system.
As highlighted in the D.O letter, APAAR ID system has been designed as a unique, lifelong 12-digit identifier for all school-enrolled students, aimed at facilitating targeted interventions to improve school enrolments and learning outcomes.
I am happy to see that almost all the States/UTs have initiated the process of APAAR ID Creation; there is a need to accelerate and expand the APAAR ID creation process to achieve our targeted objectives. In this regard, I would like to inform that APAAR ID creation process has now been opened for all classes Primary, Secondary, and Senior Secondary- for all schools of all management types. Hence, APAAR ID can be generated and validated in all schools across India.
SoP for creation of APAAR ID for all classes remain the same which is through
1 Conducting structured Parent Teacher Meetings (PTMs)

  1. Ensuring collection and storage of consent forms during PTM (in person)
  2. Training school administrators on the UDISE+ portal
  3. Establishing robust monitoring mechanisms
  4. Ensuring APAAR ID are printed on the Student ID cards
    It is very important to instruct all concerned about this national initiative in your State/UT Your personal intervention in monitoring the progress and ensuring swift implementation of APAAR ID systems is utmost important. May I request you to bestow your personal attention to this national initiative.

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आनंदराव वि. पाटील, भा.प्र.से.
अपर सचिव
Anandrao V. Patil, IAS
Additional Secretary
भारत सरकार शिक्षा मंत्रालय स्कूल शिक्षा और साक्षरता विभाग
Government of India Ministry of Education Department of School Education & Literacy
F.No. 1-27/2023-DIGED-Part(1) New Delhi, dated 2 October, 2024

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