SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework

SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework

Evaluation Patter
SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework

SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework

SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework Evaluation Pattern Standard IX and X PART I

Subject: English (Third Language)

Std.: 9th/ 10th

1. Role of Activity Sheets

New Evaluation Pattern

English (Compulsory)

Std-X (Third Language)

                Every student is unique and special. Students have divergent ways of thinking. They are curious to know about all things going around. They are moving into the 21st century with all types of exposure to social media. They learn by doing things practically. So teachers have taken a back seat and aimed to develop their creativity and critical thinking. If we have to change our future citizens, we have to change their way of thinking. And this is only possible by helping them to learn, rather than teaching them.
                Even while evaluation, if the question paper is based on different activities, students can solve it without any stress and tension. It will get rid of their fear of examination and develop their confidence. Through this new evaluation pattern, we are going to check their life skills needed for 21st century, like reasoning, creativity, imagination, inference and application. The new internal / oral and written evaluation pattern will check the skills and competencies, that they have achieved throughout the year. It is like a checklist to track the progress or performance of the students, which will also help them to check their linguistic abilities. It will monitor their linguistic learning competencies and skills, not just their knowledge. Eventually this will develop their intelligence, communication skills and personality.
The activities in the course book are based on constructivism where every student has scope to use his/her own knowledge of language. The concepts of the students are made clear, their linguistic skills are developed, they are geared up for public speaking. Their personality is enhanced with boosted confidence which in turn leads to fluency and accuracy in the long term/run. The new evaluation pattern also improves their interpersonal relationship along with communication skills and prepares them to compete globally.
English (Third Language) My English Coursebook
Evaluation Pattern: Standard IX and X
1. Role of Activity Sheets
2. Framework / Format of Activity Sheet.
Skill wise Testing Areas: Detailed Explanation
Also Read 👉 Class 10th Live English Practical 👈
Section I : Language Study
Section II: Textual Passages
Section III: Poetry
Section IV Non – Textual Passage
Section V: Writing Skill
Section VI: Skill Development
3. Role of Applied Writing
(A) Letter Writing
(B) Dialogue Writing / Drafting a speech
(A) Information Transfer
Verbal to Non-verbal and Non-verbal to Verbal
(B) Expand the theme
(A) translation
Note :
The above framework and format of “Activity Sheet” will be same for –
1. Std IX First Term Exam
2. Std IX Second Term Exam
3. Std X-First Term Exam
4. Std X-Preliminary Exam
5. Std X-Board Final Exam
Keeping the above objectives in mind it had become mandatory to revise the evaluation pattern for Std IX and X standard.
                Using English practically and working out activities on your own is the key to learning English faster. Of course, the important role of the teacher as the facilitator and navigator will steer the students towards the path of success of mastering English.
2. Framework / Format of Paper
SSC Paper Pattern
 (My English Coursebook Ten (Third Language)
(Std X) (Std IX)
Written paper 80 Marks
The difficulty wise distribution of marks in 80 marks paper should be:
40% Easy 40% : Medium-range 20% : challenging
A set of each type of questions is provided with this presentation.
The teacher May design her/his question paper by using a judicious combination of the question types. A specimen format has been given here for reference only.
Format of Question Paper
Skill wise Testing Areas: Detailed Explanation
Section 1: Language Study           10 Marks
4 marks for simple activities
4 marks for medium level activities
15 min
2 marks for challenging activities
English is taught and learnt not as a subject but as a language to facilitate global communication. While learning any language, the students need a lot of exposure, to the language. Language study, which includes activities based on grammar and vocabulary helps the students to understand the appropriate usages of language.
                We have activities based on vocabulary and grammar, which are different from activities given in A3 and A4 of textual and non-textual passages. Definitions, rules and terms should not be directly asked in the activity sheet.
Q.1 (A) Language Study (Any Four) (6 simple activities based on vocabulary and grammar with options.)08 Marks  
1. Complete the words/spellings by using correct letters/ Fill in the missing letters02 Marks
2. Put the words in alphabetical order. Words beginning with different letters (OR) Words beginning with same letters (4 words each)02 Marks
3. Punctuate the following (2 sentences from the course book) Use of quotation marks, commas, apostrophe, Capitalization, full-stop, question mark, exclamation mark.02 Marks
4. Make four words each (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters in the given word.02 Marks
5. Write related words. (Any one) Adj     Adv     Adj     Noun     AdjAdv     Verb    02 Marks  
6. Complete the word chains of noun/verb/adjective. For example, Nature, English,h—-, (4 words).02 Marks  
(B) Do as directed (Any One)  02 Marks  
(1) Make meaningful sentence by using given phrase.02 Marks
(2) (A) Add prefix or suffix to make new words. (02 words) B) Use any one of the following words in your own sentence. (2 words) (same words from (a) should be asked in (b))  01 Marks   01 Marks
Section II: Textual Passages
20 Marks
(Reading skill, Vocabulary and Grammar)
Q. 2 (A) and (B) Textual passages for comprehension 30 minutes
This section contains activities based on reading comprehension. The students level of understanding what he/she reads can only be tested, if different types of activities given are based on the content. In this section the students understanding and ability to draw inferences and conclusions, to pick out relevant responses to the questions from different paragraphs, his knowledge of reading between the lines and expressing his personal response about the content given in the passage, are evaluated. One of the most important aspects is so test vocabulary development from the passage. The passage is also used to check the deep knowledge the child has about contextual language study and its usage while writing.-
It contains activities like –
(1) Simple factual activity 02 Marks
(2) Complex factual activity 02 Marks
(3) Activity based on vocabulary 02 Marks
(4) Activity based on contextual grammar 02 Marks
(5) Activity based on personal response, expression, creation And imagination 02 Marks

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