SSC English Question Paper with Answers
How to Solve Class 10th English Subject Question Paper
Sr. No. | Question No | Type of Questions | Marks |
1 | Que.1 A | Language Study | 08 |
2. | Que.1 B | Language Study | 01 |
for Aniual And Supplementary Examination
Subject: English (Third Language)
विद्यार्थांसाठी विशेष एसएससी अभ्यास
वार्षिक आणि पुरवणी परीक्षेसाठी
विषय: इंग्रजी (तृतीय भाषा)
विषय: इंग्रजी (तृतीय भाषा)
How to Solve SSC English Question Paper
for Annual And Supplementary Examination
Subject: English (Third Language)
विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी वार्षिक आणि पुरवणी परीक्षेसाठी विशेष
एस एस सी अभ्यास
विषयः इंग्रजी (तृतीय भाषा)
विभाग १- भाषा अभ्यास
अनु.क्रं. | प्रश्न क्रमांक | प्रश्न प्रकार | गुण |
०१ | प्र.१ ला (अ) | भाषा अभ्यास | ०८ |
०२ | प्र.२ रा (ब) | भाषा अभ्यास | ०१ |
Section I: Language Study (08 Marks) |
Q.1 A) Do as Directed. (08 Marks)
1) Complete the words by using correct letters instructions. (02 Marks)
(1) In this exercise any four words of at least Textbook will be given. Any one of these letters will be omitted. Complete the word by filling in the correct letter.
(2) Underlined the filled letters.
(3) The spellings of the words in the Textbook should be well-remembered for this activity.
सूचना :
(१) या कृतीमध्ये (Coursebook) मधील कंसात पाच अक्षरांचे कोणतेही चार शब्द दिले जातील.
(२) प्रत्येक शब्दातील कोणतेही एक अक्षर गाळलेले असेल.
(३) अचूक अक्षर भरून तो शब्द पूर्ण करून लिहावा.
४) भरलेले अक्षर अधोरेखित करावे.
1) i) ma_ter ii) S_ve iii) Ch_er iv) W_ound
Solutions / Ans.——————————————–
i) Master
ii) Save
iii) Cheer
iv) wound
2) i) Ca_ch ii) No_be iii) b_ave iv) am_ng
Solutions / Ans.——————————————–
i) Catch
ii) noble
iv) brave
iv) among
3) i) gr_at ii) fri_nd iii) yo_ng iv) re_ard
Solutions / Ans.——————————————–
i) great
ii) friend
iii) young
iv) regard
1) i) cam_us ii) pra_er iii) lan_ur iv) ba ket 2) i) forst ii) s_art iii) fl_ght iv) wo_ld
3) i) b_oke ii) bro_n iii) d_ing iv) st_rt
4) i) beg_ar ii) les_on iii) t_ach iv) s_hool
5) i) n_ture ii) he_rt iii) e_rly iv) g_ntle
Answer Key ————————————–
1) i) campus ii) prayer iii) langur iv) basket
2) i) first. ii) smart iii) flight iv) world
3) i) broke ii) broon iii) duing iv) start
4) i) beggar ii) lesson iii) teach iv) school
5) i) nature ii) heart iii) early iv) gentle
Q.1 A) Do as Directed.
2) Put the following words in alphabetical order. (02 Marks)
1) The words given in this exercise should be arranged in English alphabetical order. Two such groups of 4-4 English words will be given
i) Words beginning with different letters of the English alphabet, Identify the first letter of each words in the order order of the English Alphabet and arrange the four words in Order.
ii) Since the first letter of the English alphabet starts with the same Letter of all the four words beings with the same letter the second letter of those words should be looked at and according the following words should be written in order keep in mind the order of the alphabet.
सूचना :
१) या कृतीमध्ये दिलेले शब्द इंग्रजी वर्णमालेच्या क्रमाने मांडावे.
२) ४-४ इंग्रजी शब्दांचे असे दोन गट दिले जातील.
३) इंग्रजी वर्णमालेतील वेगवेगळ्या अक्षरांनी सुरू होणारे शब्द.
४) या गटातील प्रत्येक शब्दाचे पहिले अक्षर इंग्रजी वर्णमालेच्या क्रमाने ओळखून चारही शब्द क्रमाने मांडावेत.
५) इंग्रजी वर्णमालेतील एकाच अक्षराचे सुरू होणारे शब्द
६) या गटातील चारही शब्दांचे पहिले अक्षर एकाच अक्षराने सुरू होत असल्यामुळे त्या शब्दांतील दुसरे अक्षर पाहावे व त्यानुसार वर्णमालेतील क्र. लक्षात घेऊन पुढील शब्द क्रमवार लिहावेत.
Put the following words in alphabetical order.
1) epic, right, able, heart.
Ans. able, epic, heart, right.
2) passion, profound, premier, pain.
Ans. pain, passion, premier, profound.
Practice :
1) i) daily, banker, success, heat.
Ans. banker, daily, heat, success
ii) thank, teacher, tired, table.
Ans. table, teacher, thank, tired.
2) i) carry, armour, servant, officer.
Ans. armour, carry, officer, servant.
ii) spirit, suffer, squire, shackle.
Ans. shackle, spirit, squire, suffer.
3) i) heart, place, folks, books.
Ans. books, folks, heart, place.
ii) role, race, real, risk.
Ans. race, real, risk, role.
4) i) survive, leader, discuss, present.
Ans. discuss, leader, present, survive.
ii) light, loyal, luck, large.
Ans. large, light, loyal, luck.
5) i) mind, anger, war king.
Ans. anger, king, mind, war.
ii) bright, battle, boxing, beat.
Ans. battle, beat, boxing, bright.
Q.1 4) Do as directed.
Make, four words (minimum of three letters each) using the letters in the word (02 Marks)
1) In this activity, a large (Multi-syllabus) word will be given and your are asked to form four meaningful words of three or not more letters with the help of the letters in the word.
Examples (solved Activity)
1) intergovernmental
Ans. govern, government, gone, mental
ii) mercilessly
Ans. mercy, mile, less, merciless.
Practice :
1) Grand daughter
3) unbeatable 4) brotherhood.
5) representative
Answer Key
1) grand, daughter, and, heat
2) near, make, break, beach.
3) beat, unable, neat, table
4) brother, other, red, broad.
5) present, sent, tent, repent.
Q.1 5) Do as directed.
Write the related words the example. (02 Marks)
1) A word will be given in web. It will have word, pattern with it.
2) The word may be noun, Adjective, verb or Adverb.
3) So you must write identify the given words patter and write words in other boxes.
1) Model Activity
i) House → Beautiful → → → → →
Ans. House → Beautiful → Empty → Decorated → New Old
ii)Hot → Sun → → → → →
Ans.Hot → Coffee → Tea → Sun → Temper → Climate
Also read
i) Girl → Naughty → → → → →
Ans – Girl → Naughty → Talkative → Cheerful → Pretty → Small
ii) Room → → → → → →
Ans – Room → Small → Living → Tidy → Big → Unity → Small
iii) Loving → Child → → → → →
iii) Loving → Child → Sister → Friends → Parent →Brother → Teachers
iv)Old → Friend → → → → →
Ans Old → Friend → Books → Shoes → Dress → Tales
v) Child→ Clever → → → → →
Ans Child→ Clever → Honest → Smart→ Obedient→ Hardworking
Q.1 6) Do as directed.
Complete the word-chain of verbs’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02 Marks)
1) This activity contains one word ie Noun, Verb Adjective or Adverb of that given in the question.
2) Remember that you have to write a chain of four words of that kind.
3) Complete the 4 word chain by writing words of that variety that each begin with the last letter.
१) या कृतीमध्ये एक शब्द दिलेला असतो. त्या शब्दाची Noun, verb, Adjective, Adverb अशी जात प्रश्नात दिलेले असते. त्या प्रकारच्या (जातीच्या) चार शब्दांची साखळी लिहावी. त्या प्रत्येक शब्दांच्या शेवटच्या अक्षराने सुरू होईल. असे त्या जातीचे शब्द लिहून ४ शब्दांची साखळी पूर्ण करा.
1) Complete the word-chain of ‘verbs’. Add four words, each beginning with the last Letter of the previous words.
i) think → → → → → →
Ans. think → known → write → expand → dan
ii) Eat → → → → → →
Ans. earth → teach → help → park → kill
Practice :
1) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs’:
i) Eat →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
ii) Accept →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
iii) Start →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
2) Complete the word chain of ‘nouns’:
i) soldier →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
ii) Dictionary →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
iii) Friend →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
3) Complete the word chain of ‘adjectives’:
i) Dear →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
ii) Good →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
iii) Stout →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
Complete the word chain of ‘adverbs’ : –
i) Fast →……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. → ……………. →
Answer Key:
Complete the word chain of ‘verbs’:
1) Verb:
i) Eat → tear → read → defeat → teach
ii) Accept → take → eat → talk → know
iii) start → tell → lie → earn → narrate
2) Nouns:
i) Soldier → rose → elephant → tag → gold
ii) Dictionary → year → rain → neck → kite
iii) Friend → dog → goat → team → mat
3) Adjectives:
i) Dear → red → deep → pale → eight
ii) Good → domestic → careful → luck → young
iii) stout → talkative → electric → candid → dirty
4) Adverbs:
Fast → tamely → yearly y → youth.
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Section I : Language Study |
Q.1 B) Do as Directed. (01 Mark)
2 (a) Attempt any one.
Word formation occurs mainly as a result of derivation. Through this process one word is transformed from another.
1) New word could be formed by addition of a group of letters at the beginning of the word is known as prefix. i.e.
be = friend – befriend
em =power -empower
en- = courage – encourage
ap = peace – appease
ac= company – accompany
ab = use – abuse
List of prefixes: Ir-/un-/super-/ tele-/ trans-/ ultra-/a-/ an-/anti-/ante-/auto-/co-/ circum-/ com-/con-/de-/ contra-/ contro-/ dis-/ en-/ ex-/ extra-/ homo-/ hyper-/ il-/ im-/ in-/ inter-/ intra-/ intro-/ micro-/ mono-/ non-/ omni-/ post-/ pre-/ pro-/ re-/ sub-/ sym-/ syn-/tri-/ uni-/ up-/
2) New word could be formed by addition of a group of letters after the root word is known as suffixes. i.e.
-ment = arrange – arrangement
-ness soft – softness
-tion = educate – education
-ful = beautify – beautiful
-ous danger – dangerous
-able = agree – agreeable
List of suffixes: Noun suffixes (-acy/ -al/-ance/-ence/-dom/-er/-or/-ism/-ist/-ity/-ty/ -ment/-ness/ -ship/-sion/-tion/)
Verb suffixes [-ate/-en/-ify/-fy/ -ize/-ise]
Adjective suffixes [-able/ ible/-al/ -esque/-ful/ -ic/-ical/-ious/-ous/-ish/-ive/-less/-y]
Model Questions with elaborations to the support of answer
Q. Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
A] manage
Ans. Management
B] kind
Ans. kindness, kindful, unkind
C] courage
Ans. courageous
D] wonder
Ans. Wonderful
E] Pay
Ans. Payment
F] happy
Ans. Unhappy, happiness
Practice Questions :
Q. Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.
A] dark
B] beautify
C] lucky
D] possible
E] complete
F] nation
G] normal
H] nature
I] dependent
J] link
Answer Key :
A] Darkness
B] Beautiful
C] unlucky
D] impossible
E] incomplete
F] national
G] normally
H] natural
I] independent
J] inking
Answer Key:
A] She is a very kind lady.
B] It is wonder that you are here.
C) I shall pay for it.
D] It is much dark outside.
E] It is a great beauty.
F] Birbal was a lucky person.
G] It is possible.
H] It is complete.
Q. 2 (b) Make meaningful sentence using the given word.
A] Use the sentence structure = S+V+O+Remaining words.
B] Instead of learning all tenses, focus on few and selected tense like Simple past
tense S+V2+O+R
Here, student should convert given verb into -ed format generally like talked, walked etc.
C] Use Simple Future Tense= S+shall/will+V1+O+Remaining words.
If verb is given in base form, here student need not to change the verb. He could use it as it is.
I/We+shall/will+V1+O+ Remaining words.
D] Use of Modal Auxiliaries.
Learn structure of modal auxiliary and use it.
Subject/Pronoun+ can/could/may/might/must/should/would+V1+Obj+R.
Here student need not to change given verb.
E] If the given word is noun, it is always better to use to be sentences without action. In such case, student should use given word in place of complement [noun].
For this learn the structure of to be
Subject/Pronoun+ am/is/are/was/were/shall be/will be+complement [noun]+R.
F] If the given word is adjective, use it before noun to describe it.
For ex. He is person.
Model Questions with elaborations to the support of answer.
Make a meaningful sentence using the word.
A] manage
Ans. I shall manage everything.
[manage is a verb, so it is used in simple future tense with the structure i.e: S+ shall +V1+ Obj+ R]
B] happy
Ans. He is happy person.
[Happy is an adjective so it is used before a noun to describe it.]
C] courage
Ans. He showed great courage.
[Given word courage is a noun. It is used here with Simple past tense [S+ V2 +O+ R] structure as object [noun].
Practice Questions :
Make a meaningful sentence by using the word.
A] kind
B] wonder
C] pay
D] dark
E] beauty
F] lucky
G] possible
H] complete
Answer Key:
A] She is a very kind lady.
B] It is wonder that you are here.
C) I shall pay for it.
D] It is much dark outside.
E] It is a great beauty.
F] Birbal was a lucky person.
G] It is possible.
H] It is complete.
इयत्ता दहावी इंग्रजी विषयाची प्रश्न पत्रिका कशी सोडवावी इयत्ता दहावी इंग्रजी विषयाची कृतीपात्रिका अशी सोडवा How to Solve Class 10th English Subject Question Paper SSC English Question Paper with Answers pdf SSC English question paper for practice How to Solve Class 10th English Paper How to Solve Class 10th English Activity Sheet Solve class 10th English paper like this |
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These papers are based on the SQP released by Maharashtra State Board and
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