SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework

SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework
SSC 10th English Evaluation Framework Evaluation Pattern Standard IX and X PART II
Subject: English (Third Language) |
Evaluation Pattern: Standard IX and X |
Section III: Poetry 10 Marks |
Q.3 (A) Poem for comprehension 05 Marks |
(B) Appreciation of the poem 05 Marks |
Section III is based on reading, understanding and appreciating the poems. The students are expected to use the imagination and literary devices and also identify devices that make poetry different from prose. The students are also expected to appreciate the poem by analysing, its key components. |
Q.3 (A) Poem for comprehension 05 Marks (A1) Simple factual 02 Marks (A2) Complex factual 02 Marks (A3) Poetic device 01 Marks |
(B) Poem for appreciation. (Students should write an appreciation of the given poem with the help of given points in points format) 05 Marks 1. Title ½ Marks 2. Poet ½ Marks 3. Rhyme scheme 01 Marks 4. Figure of speech (Any 1) 01 Marks 5. Theme/Central Idea (At least 2 to 3 lines) 02 marks |
Section IV :Non – Textual Passage. 15 Marks |
Q.4 (A) Non-textual passage for comprehension 20 minutes (Refer to the points given for textual passages.) |
(B) Non-textual passage for summary 15 minutes * The aim of summary of a passage is to enable the student to understand the main points and express them in their language in short. *The student should read the given passage very carefully to understand it. Suggesting title is mandatory. *The student should express the theme / gist of the passage in his own words. *The student should use appropriate vocabulary, grammar and language while Summarizing *The student should avoid exact repetition of sentences while summarizing and he should not express his opinion. |
Section V: Writing Skill 15 Marks |
(a) Letter 15 min |
(b) Information Transfer 15 min |
(c) Expand the Theme 15 min |
The aim of developing writing skills is to help students development in imagination thinking in coherent, cohesive manner and express it in various written forms. The student should be able to organize his ideas and thoughts in clear piece of writing reflecting his novelty and creativity. It should also reflect his sensitivity to the subject. |
(a) Letter Writing 05 marks It’s a very important mode of communication which is very useful in persons and professional development of an individual. The child should be able to differentiate informal / friendly messages from forms messages sent to officials. |
The teacher is expected to impart the objectives of all types letter writing. The students must be taught both the Formal and Informal Letter writing. The objective hens is to see that the student learn the format of each given type of letter properly alone with the language used. * In the activity sheet both types of letters will be given where students can choose any one of them. * Emotions, opinions should be well expressed through proper words. * Letters should be written in block format. All the components of the letter should be aligned to the left. * The following points should be considered while writing a letter. |
Q.5 (A) Letter Writing Marking scheme Formal | 05 Marks |
Formal | Informal |
Sender’s address &date ½ Mark | Sender’s address & Date ½ Mark |
Receipients address | ½ Mark |
Subject ½ Mark | Salutation ½ Mark |
Saluatation Main body 2½ Marks | |
Main body 2 Marks | Closing ½ Mark |
*Subscription / closing ½ Mark | Grammar 1 Mark |
(B)Dialogue writing / Drafting a speech 05 Marks |
The objective of dialogue writing is to develop conversational English used in day-to-day life. Appropriate tense (present, past, future) should be used while writing a dialogue. Language style should be used in accordance to the context and relation of the speaker. Dialogue should be written in a very simple, lucid language keeping in mind the flow of the conversation. Punctuation marks should ne used appropriately wherever necessary. |
1) Dialogue Writing – Marking scheme 05 Marks |
a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences (Chit-Chat) (4 sentences) 01 Mark b) Complete the dialogue (Any 2 questions from Chit-Chat) 01 Mark c) Write a dialogue on given theme. (Any one theme from Chit-Chat/ based on the subject of any prose) (Minimum 3 meaningful exchanges) |
ii) Drafting a speech The objective of a speech is to express and convey your opinions, views and thoughts to an audience, It also helps enhance ones oratory skill. Steps to follow * Determine your topic for speaking and understand the general and specific purpose of your speech to meet the needs of your delivery. Prepare your speech to capture and captivate your listener. |
ii) Drafting a speech – Marking scheme * Appropriate beginning / conclusion 05 Marks *Body Use of given points and additional points, 01 Mark Appropriate use of language 02 Mark * Appropriate sequence and flow of language 01 Mark * Use of appropriate grammatical structure 01 Mark |
Que 6 (A) Information Transfer 05 Marks |
The main aim if information transfer is to enable the students to interpret any information that comes across in his day-to-day life. For example – If he visits railway station, he should be able to interpret the given time table and express it in particular form when it is to be conveyed. |
(i) Verbal to non-verbal (ii) Non verbal to Verbal The student should transfer the given information from a paragraph to the non-verbal format. Read the paragraph carefully. * Sort out the important points. * Incorporate the points in the given format. *The student can use a pen or a pencil to draw. * The student is not allowed to add his/her own points to the information given. |
(a) Information Transfer – Marking Scheme 05 Marks * Read and present in a graphic form. (Chart, tree-diagram, flow chart, Do’s and Don’ts etc.) Observe the graphic and describe. |
Verbal to non-Verbal | Non-verbal to verbal |
Title 01 Mark | Title 01 Mark |
Covering all points 02 Marks | Use of given points 02 |
Appropriate graphic/ Layout 01 Marks | Grammar 01 Mark |
Overall presentation 01 Mark | Appropriate beginning And conclusion 01 Mark |
(b) Expand the theme 05 Marks |
One of the most important aspects of developing writing skill is to develop students thinking ability and express it as per their word limit. This writing skill develops no only th imagination but helps him create a strong opinion while evaluating the reality that these ideas/themes relate to. (1) News Report (2) Developing a story/with a given begining /end (3) Dialogue writing based on given theme. |
(b) Expand theme Marking scheme 05 Marks |
(B) Translation 10 min The main purpose of translation is to develop the ability to express the thought in different languages. The child should be able to read, understand and interpret in both the languages. It also helps to develop and understand the difference in structure of both the languages. |
Q.7 Translation – Marking scheme 05 Marks a. Any 4 out of 6 words from the course book (English into medium of Instruction) 02 Marks b. Any 2 out of 4 sentences (English into medium of instruction)02 Marks c. Any 1 out of 2 idioms / proverb (English into medium of instruction) 01 Mark |
Section 1 Language study | 10 |
Section II Textual passage | 20 |
Section III Poetry | 10 |
Section IV – Non Textual – – | 15 |
Section V-Writing skill | 20 |
Section VI Skill Development – | 05 |
Total – | 80 |
Question wise distribution of Marks as per difficulty Level |
Q.No. | Simple | Medium | Challe ning | Total |
1 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 10 |
2 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 20 |
3 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 10 |
4 (i) | 4 | 4 | 2 | 10 |
(ii) | 1 | 2 | 2 | 5 |
5 (i) | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 |
(ii) | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 |
7 (i) | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 |
(ii) | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 |
7 (i) | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 |
32 | 32 | 16 | 80 |
Difficulty Level : 40% Easy + 40% Medium + 20% challenging |
Very very nice and important and useful information