Opening of National Scholarship Portal NSP FOR AY 2024-25 National Means – Cum – Merit Scholarship Scheme NMMSS

Opening of National Scholarship Portal NSP FOR AY 2024-25 under National Means – cum – Merit Scholarship Scheme NMMSS
महाराष्ट्र शासन
शिक्षण संचालनालय (योजना), महाराष्ट्र राज्य १७, डॉ. आंबेडकर मार्ग, पुणे
जा.क्र. शिसंयो/संकीर्ण/शिष्यवृत्ती/२०२४/यो-४०३/०१५२१
दिनांक : ०८ जुलै, २०२४
१. विभागीय शिक्षण उपसंचालक सर्व
२. शिक्षणाधिकारी (माध्यमिक / योजना) जिल्हा परिषद सर्व
३. शिक्षण निरीक्षक (उत्तर/दक्षिण/पश्चिम) मुंबई
४. प्रशासन अधिकारी मनपा/नपा/नप सर्व
५. गटशिक्षणाधिकारी, पंचायत समिती सर्व
विषय: Opening of National Scholarship Portal (NSP) FOR AY 2024-25 under National Means – cum – Merit Scholarship Scheme NMMSS
संदर्भ :
१. केंद्र शासनाचे पत्र एफ नं. १७-१/२०२३-एसएस, दिनांक ०३.०७.२०२४ २. केंद्र शासन दिव्यांग कल्याण विभागाचे पत्र क्र. झेड-११०१७/१००/२०२३-एससीएच, दिनांक ०१ जुलै, २०२४
उपरोक्त विषयाबाबत केंद्र शासनाचे एनएसपी पोर्टलवरील एनएमएसएस शिष्यवृत्ती शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२४-२५ साठी सुरू करण्यात आलेली असून एनएसपी पोर्टल वर एक-वेळ नोंदणीबाबत निर्देश पत्र व त्यासोबतचे सहपत्रे प्राप्त झालेले आहे. सोबत प्रत जोडली आहे.
शालेय शिक्षण आणि साक्षरता विभागाच्या एनएमएसएस अंतर्गत २०२४-२५ या शैक्षणिक वर्षासाठी एनएसपी पोर्टल वर नवीन व नुतनीकरण अर्जाच्या ऑनलाईन नोंदणीच्या संदर्भात माहिती देण्याबाबत केंद्र शासनाचे निर्देश प्राप्त झालेले आहेत. एनएसपी पोर्टलवर अर्ज सादर करण्याची शेवटची तारीख दिनांक ३१ ऑगस्ट, २०२४ आहे. तसेच आयएनओ स्तरावरून पडताळणीसाठी शेवटची तारीख १५ सप्टेंबर, २०२४ व द्वितीय स्तर पडताळणीसाठी अंतिम तारीख ३० सप्टेंबर २०२४ आहे. तसेच उक्त तारीख लक्षात घेता, निर्धारित वेळेत पूर्ण करण्याची केंद्र शासनाने निर्देशित करण्यात आलेले असून या वेळापत्रकामध्ये कोणताही बदल होणार नसल्याचे निर्देशित करण्यात आलेले आहे.
Also read राष्ट्रीय आर्थिक दुर्बल घटकासाठी असलेली शिष्यवृत्ती योजना (NMMSS) सन २०२४-२५ साठी पूर्वतयारी व अंमलबजावणीबाबत.
तसेच राष्ट्रीय शिष्यवृत्ती पोर्टलवर विद्यार्थ्यांनी अर्ज करतांना यापुढे (OTR) आवश्यक असून (OTR) संदर्भात सर्व सविस्तर सूचना व निर्देश सोबत जोडण्यात आलेले आहे. केंद्र शासनाने दिलेल्या सूचना व निर्देशानुसार (OTR) संदर्भात आपल्या स्तरावरून आपल्या क्षेत्रिय कार्यालयांना व शाळा / संस्थांना कळविण्यात यावे. केलेल्या कार्यवाहीचा अहवाल सादर करावा.
(डॉ. महेश पालकर)
शिक्षण संचालक (योजना) महाराष्ट्र राज्य, पुणे
No Z-11017/100/2023-SCH Government of India Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)
5th floor Pt. Deendayal AntyodayaBhawan C.G.O.Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Dated: 01.07.2024
Office Memorandum
As you are aware, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPWD) is implementing three scholarships for students with disabilities through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP):
- Pre-matric scholarships for Class IX and X
- Post-matric scholarships for Class XI to Post-graduation and
- Scholarship for Top Class Education for Graduate/Post Graduate Degree or Diploma
- The registration of students on the NSP has commenced w.e.f 30th June, 2024. The details of these schemes are available on the website of this Department ( and National Scholarship Portal ( The last date for registration and submission of applications on the portal is 31″ August, 2024 for Pre-Matric Scholarship and 31 October, 2024 for Post Matric and Top Class Scholarship.
- Nodal Officers of all States/UTs are requested to suitably give wide publicity regarding the opening of the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) to enable eligible students to submit their applications for AY 2024-25. They are also requested to ensure that all institutes registered on NSP and their institute Nodal Officers are duly verified through e-kyc and Aadhaar authentication as per the NSP process.
F. No. 17-1/2023-SS Government of India Ministry of Education Department of School Education & Literacy Secondary Scholarship Section
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 3rd July, 2024
To The Principal Secretary/ Secretary(Education) of all States/UTs. (In-charge of Secondary Education) All States/UT Administrations
Subject: Opening of National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for AY 2024-25 under National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS).
With reference to the online registration of fresh and renewal applications on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for the academic year 2024-25 under the National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) of the Department of School Education and Literacy which is on boarded in the NSP, I am directed to inform that the DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) Mission, Cabinet Secretariat has decided on the following timelines in consultation with concerned Ministries for the current Academic Year, ie., 2024-25:
Opening of Portal – 30th June, 2024
Last date for application submission – 3st August, 2024
Last date for INO Level Verification – 15th September, 2024
Last date for Second Level Verification – 30th September, 2024
- In view of the above, all the State and UT Governments are requested to complete the above- mentioned activities within the stipulated timelines. It may please be noted that no extension will be provided this year under any condition.
- For the AY 2024-25, an One Time Registration (OTR) is required on NSP for submission of application, the guidelines for which had already been shared by this Department with the States/ UT’s Government vide letter dated 24.06.2024 (copy enclosed).
- You may appreciate that adherence to procedure/timelines is an essential feature of any IT based online system. Repeated deviations in the online system pose immense difficulties in the architecture as the portal is meant to cater to the requirements of multiple schemes of the Government of India as well as State Governments.
- Therefore, it is requested that the above information may please be passed on to all the concerned schools and the Nodal authorities namely the Head of Institute (Hol), Institute Nodal officer (INO) and District Nodal officer (DNO) in your State, in order to facilitate timely processing and quick disbursal of the National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship amount to the eligible beneficiaries.
Encl: as above.
Yours faithfully.
(Hema Malini S.K. Deepak)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
F. No. 17-3/2024-SS Government of India Ministry of Education Department of School Education & Literacy
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 24th June, 2024
To The Education Secretaries of all States/UTs (In-charge of Secondary Education)
Subject: One-Time Registration (OTR) on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) regarding.
This has reference to the latest developments on the National Scholarship Portal (NIC-NSP). The launch of the One-Time Registration (OTR) application, featuring a redesigned home page, a new mobile app, and an updated web version. The new portal is now live and accessible to the public, allowing students to conveniently register online for OTR. The NSP application, including OTR, leverages cutting-edge technologies and boasts an enhanced user interface.
- A One Time Registration (OTR) is required on NSP for submission of application. OTR Module will be available to students across the year. One Time Registration (OTR) is a unique 14-digit number issued based on the Aadhaar Aadhaar Enrolment ID (EID) and is applicable for the entire academic career of the student. OTR is required to apply for scholarship on National Scholarship Portal. On successful completion of OTR. an OTR_id will be issued which will remain valid for entire academic lifecycle of the student. On submission of an application, the System will generate an application_id against the OTR id. The System will ensure that not more than one application_id remains active against an OTR_ id at any point of time. For OTR –
a. Active Mobile Number is mandatory for OTR.
b. Where Aadhaar of the student is provided -Aadhaar based eKYC will be performed and OTR id will be issued.
c. Where EID of the student is provided-Student will be required to fill up the details including name, date of birth, gender and address. The OTR_id will be provisional, and no disbursement of scholarship will be done till student submits the aadhaar and get the eKYC done within stipulated time. d. Where Aadhaar of parent/Legal guardian is provided eKYC of the parent/ legal
guardian will be carried out. Details of the student are required to be filled up manually and photograph is to be uploaded. The student is required to complete his/her Aadhaar based eKYC on completion of 18 years of age failing which his/her OTR_id will be suspended till completes his/her Aadhaar based eKYC.
- The Portal is open for One Time Registration (OTR) for fresh and renewal students. The link is: National Scholarship Portal (
4.One Time Registration (OTR) for fresh students/applicants
One Time Registration (OTR) is a unique number allotted to the student and is applicable for entire academic career on National Scholarship Portal.
OTR is required to apply for the scholarships on National Scholarship Portal during AY 2024-25.
OTR can be generated using Aadhaar/Aadhaar Enrolment number (EID)
OTR Related instruction to the students who have applied on National Scholarship Portal in AY 2024-25 (fresh) is at Annexure-1.
- OTR related instruction to the students who have applied on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) in AY 2023-24,
5.1 The students, who have applied on National Scholarship Portal in AY 2023-24 have been allotted the OTR/Reference number through the portal and intimated through SMS. OTR Related instruction to the students who have applied on National Scholarship Portal in AY 2023-24 (Renewal) is at Annexure-11.
A. Instructions to the students who have received the OTR no.
- NSP carlier launched the face-authentication service in AY 2023-24 and it was
optional for the students to perform their faceauthentication. 11. NSP has generated the One Time Registration (OTR) no. for the students who have performed the face-authentication in AY 2023-24 and the same has been sent to the applicant through SMS on their registered mobile no.
- Students who have received the OTR no. can directly apply for scholarship on NSP portal.
IV In case, the student has not received the OTR number through SMS, OTR no. can be retrieved using “Know your OTR” available on National Scholarship Portal.
B. Instructions to the students who have received Reference no.
- NSP has allotted the reference no. to the students who have completed the OTP based eKYC and have not completed their face-authentication in AY 2023-24.
- OTR no. can now be obtained by completing face-authentication on NSP.
111 Following steps are required to generate the OTR no.:
a. Download and install AadhaarFaceRD services in the android device. (link: b. Download and install the NSP OTR App from the Google Play Store. (link:
c. After opening the mobile app below screen will appear on your device. Select the red.
option “eKYC with FaceAuth” highlighted in
d. FAQ regarding OTR is at Annexure-III.
- All the States/UTs Governments are requested to share the above information with the concerned officers (SNO/DNO/HOIS/INOS) regarding the launch of the One-
F. No. 17-3/2024-SS Government of India Ministry of Education Department of School Education & Literacy
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 24th June, 2024
To The Education Secretaries of all States/UTs (In-charge of Secondary Education)
Subject: One-Time Registration (OTR) on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) regarding.
This has reference to the latest developments on the National Scholarship Portal (NIC-NSP). The launch of the One-Time Registration (OTR) application, featuring a redesigned home page, a new mobile app, and an updated web version. The new portal is now live and accessible to the public, allowing students to conveniently register online for OTR. The NSP application, including OTR, leverages cutting-edge technologies and boasts an enhanced user interface.
- A One Time Registration (OTR) is required on NSP for submission of application. OTR Module will be available to students across the year. One Time Registration (OTR) is a unique 14-digit number issued based on the Aadhaar Aadhaar Enrolment ID (EID) and is applicable for the entire academic career of the student. OTR is required to apply for scholarship on National Scholarship Portal. On successful completion of OTR. an OTR_id will be issued which will remain valid for entire academic lifecycle of the student. On submission of an application, the System will generate an application_id against the OTR id. The System will ensure that not more than one application_id remains active against an OTR_ id at any point of time. For OTR –
a. Active Mobile Number is mandatory for OTR.
b. Where Aadhaar of the student is provided -Aadhaar based eKYC will be performed and OTR id will be issued.
c. Where EID of the student is provided-Student will be required to fill up the details including name, date of birth, gender and address. The OTR_id will be provisional, and no disbursement of scholarship will be done till student submits the aadhaar and get the eKYC done within stipulated time. d. Where Aadhaar of parent/Legal guardian is provided eKYC of the parent/ legal
guardian will be carried out. Details of the student are required to be filled up manually and photograph is to be uploaded. The student is required to complete his/her Aadhaar based eKYC on completion of 18 years of age failing which his/her OTR_id will be suspended till completes his/her Aadhaar based eKYC.
- The Portal is open for One Time Registration (OTR) for fresh and renewal students. The link is: National Scholarship Portal (
4. One Time Registration (OTR) for fresh students/applicants
One Time Registration (OTR) is a unique number allotted to the student and is applicable for entire academic career on National Scholarship Portal.
OTR is required to apply for the scholarships on National Scholarship Portal during AY 2024-25.
OTR can be generated using Aadhaar/Aadhaar Enrolment number (EID)
OTR Related instruction to the students who have applied on National Scholarship Portal in AY 2024-25 (fresh) is at Annexure-1.
- OTR related instruction to the students who have applied on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) in AY 2023-24,
5.1 The students, who have applied on National Scholarship Portal in AY 2023-24 have been allotted the OTR/Reference number through the portal and intimated through SMS. OTR Related instruction to the students who have applied on National Scholarship Portal in AY 2023-24 (Renewal) is at Annexure-11.
A. Instructions to the students who have received the OTR no.
1. NSP carlier launched the face-authentication service in AY 2023-24 and it was
optional for the students to perform their faceauthentication. 11. NSP has generated the One Time Registration (OTR) no. for the students who have performed the face-authentication in AY 2023-24 and the same has been sent to the applicant through SMS on their registered mobile no.
- Students who have received the OTR no. can directly apply for scholarship on NSP portal.
IV In case, the student has not received the OTR number through SMS, OTR no. can be retrieved using “Know your OTR” available on National Scholarship Portal.
B. Instructions to the students who have received Reference no.
- NSP has allotted the reference no. to the students who have completed the OTP based eKYC and have not completed their face-authentication in AY 2023-24.
- OTR no. can now be obtained by completing face-authentication on NSP.
111 Following steps are required to generate the OTR no.:
a. Download and install AadhaarFaceRD services in the android device. (link: b. Download and install the NSP OTR App from the Google Play Store. (link:
c. After opening the mobile app below screen will appear on your device. Select the red.
option “eKYC with FaceAuth” highlighted in
d. FAQ regarding OTR is at Annexure-III.
- All the States/UTs Governments are requested to share the above information with the concerned officers (SNO/DNO/HOIS/INOS) regarding the launch of the One-