SSC Board Exam 2025 Science And Technology Part 2 Question Paper With Answer Pdf

SSC Board Exam 2025 Science And Technology Part 2 Question Paper With Answer Pdf

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SSC Board Exam 2025 Science And Technology Part 2 Question Paper With Answer Pdf

SSC Board Exam 2025 Science And Technology Part 2 Question Paper With Answer Pdf

SSC Board Exam 2025 Science And Technology Part 2 Question Paper With Answer Key

N 853
Seat No.
2025 MAR 12
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks.

(iii) In case of MCQs
Q. No. 1
(A) only the first attempt will be evaluated and will be given credit.

(iv) Scientifically and technically correct, labeled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary.

(v) Each new question should be started on the new page.

1 (A) Choose the correct option and write the correct alternative: 5

(i) A molecule of glucose is completely oxidised in aerobic respiration and molecules of H₂O and energy. are produced along with

(A) CO₂

(B) 02

(C) NaOH

(D) HNO3

(ii) Vinegar contains acid.

(A) acetic

(B) lactic

(C) tartaric

(D) hydrochloric

(iii) Any nucleotide of the gene suddenly changes its position that causes a minor change which is nothing but the

(A) changes

(B) mutation

(C) disability

(D) translocation

(iv) In humans, sperm production occurs in the organ.

(A) vas deferens

(B) ejaculatory duct

(C) testes

(D) urinogenital duct

(2) Solar photovoltaic cell converts the solar radiation energy directly into energy.

(A) Chemical

(B) Solar

(C) Mechanical

(D) Electrical

Answer –

Q.1 (A)ANSWER – (i) A (ii) A (iii) B (iv) C (v) D

(B) Answer the following questions: 5

(i) Find the odd one out: Fragmentation, Regeneration, Budding, Fertilization.

(ii) Write the correct co-relation: Diabetes: Insulin Cancer:

(ii) State whether true or false: Study of fossils is an important aspect of the study of evolution.

(iv) Give any two commercial uses of Biotechnology.

(v) Being a fish, I perform respiration with the help of lungs. Who am I?


ⅰ) Fertilization ii) Interleukin iⅱ) True

iv) 1- developement of genetically modified crops

2- In Vaccines and vaccination v) Lung Fish


  1. Pisces are the better evolved class of vertebrates which is well adapted for aquatic living.
  2. Pisces have mouth with upper and lower jaws. Teeth are present in the mouth.
  3. Paired and unpaired fins present in all kinds of fishes.
  4. Fishes have different types of scales on the body.
  5. Endoskeleton may be cartilaginous, or it may be bony.


Shark (Scoliodon), rays which are cartilaginous fishes and pomfret, makerel, sardines, rohu which are bony shes.


  1. Reptilians are terrestrial animals. Though turtle and sea snakes can stay in water, they cannot breathe in water.
  2. The exoskeleton in the form of scales. Some animals have plates or scutes (e.g. tortoise and crocodile).
  3. Body is divided into head, neck and trunk.
  4. The digits have claws.
  5. The respiration is only by lungs.
  6. There is internal fertilization at the time of sexual reproduction.
  7. The developmental stages are eggs and juvenile. Metamorphosis is not seen in reptiles.

Examples: Tortoise, Lizard, Snake, etc.


  1. Heredity: The transfer of biological characters from one generation to the next one with the help of genes is called heredity.

hereditary changes.

Ans. (1) Heredity: Heredity is the process by which the biological characters from parental generation are transmitted to the next generation through genes.

QUE 3 (ii)

1) Prophase

2) Metaphase

3) Anaphase

4) Telophase

Fig. 2.3: (e) Telophase

(a) Karyokinesis :

(i) Prophase: During prophase, condensation of

chromosomes starts. The thin and thread like chromosomes start thickening. They are seen with their pair of sister chromatids. In animal cells the centrioles are seen to duplicate and move to opposite poles of the cell. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear.

(ii) Metaphase: Chromosomes

complete their condensation and each one is seen with its sister chromatids. The chromosomes are seen in equatorial plane of the cell. The spindle fibres are formed from polar region, where centrioles are present, and they attach themselves to the centromere of each chromosome. Nuclear membrane now disappears completely

(1) Laughter club: People gather together and relieve their mental stress by laughing out loudly. It is thought that by laughing together, the stress is reduced.

(2) Communicating with all the people who are significant in our life especially with our parents.

(3) Expressing our feeling with near and dear ones and noting down our feelings.

(4) Hobbies like collecting curios, photography, reading, cooking, sculpturing, drawing, rangoli, dancing, etc. can relieve the stress in a major way.

(5) Diverting the energy and mind towards the positive thinking and removing negative thoughts needs to be practised for a stress-free life.

(6) Learning and listening to the music and singing reduces the stress.

(7) Physical and outdoor games, exercise, discipline.

(8) Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, yogic sleep techniques.

4) Give scientific reasons (any two): 4

(i) Sometimes, higher plants and animals too perform anaerobic respiration.

(ii) It is not right to consider the mother responsible, for giving birth to a girl child.

(iii) The energy generated from nuclear fuels is not environment friendly.

(B) Answer the following questions (any three):

(i) Complete the following food chain:



ANSWER B)Grass —— Grasshopper ——— Frog ——– snake ——— Eagle ——— Decomposer

(ii) Distinguish between the following:

Class Pisces and Class Reptiles

(iii) Observe the following picture and write any two effects of thi disaster:

(iv) Write any four methods to reduce stress.

Complete the following reptul picture

Sewage after processing



Answer the following questions (any five) 15

(i) Define heredity. Explain the mechanism of hereditary changes.

(ii) Write any four stages of mitosis and explain any two of them.

(iii) Explain with examples types of sexual reproduction in unicellular organism

used in thermal power plant? Write any to problems ed with this type of power generation.

Write three characteristics of phylum-Mollusca.

(0) What are the constituents of acid rain ? What are its too effects on earth’s surface ?

(pu) Solve the following crossword

(1) Continuous consumption of alcoholic and tobacco materials.

(2) This app may cause cyber crimes.

(3) A remedy to resolve stress.

(4) Requirement for stress free life.

(viii) Write down the reasons, effects and remedial measures taken for any one disaster seen or heard by you.

Answer the following questions (any one): 5

(1) What is biodiversity? Write any four steps to conserve biodiversity.

(ii) What is stem cell ? Write any four uses of stem cell.

QUE 4 (I)

Ans. Biodiversity means the diverse life forms that inhabit any area. Biodiversity is seen due to variety of life forms and different ecosystems that lodge these organisms. In nature there is biodiversity on the three different levels, viz. genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. This means that there is diversity in the individuals belonging to the same species due to geneti reasons, there is diversity among the different species organisms and there is also a diversity in the ecosyster that are present in any region.

ecosystem has its own habitats with resident flora and fauna.

*(10) How the biodiversity can be conserved?

Ans. Biodiversity can be conserved by the following ways:

(1) Protection of the rare species of plants and animals.

(2) Creating habitats for the animals and plants by establishing National Parks and Sanctuaries.

(3) Declaration of bioreserves, the areas which are protected through conservation.

(4) Conservation projects for protecting special species.

(5) Conservation of all flora and fauna.

(6) Strict observance of the acts and rules.

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